Revival of Traditional Crops and Sustainable Technologies for a Resilient Food System and Sustainable Natural Resources Management

Project duration: 1 June 2024 to 30 September 2026

Supported by: Tebtebba Foundation and International Food and Agriculture Development (IFAD)

Goal/ overall objective: Enhanced food security, improved nutrition, and strengthened resilience for adaptation to climate change in the project area.

Purpose/ Outcome/ Objective: Increased availability of nutritious food and strengthened resilience for adaptation to climate change.

Output-1: Restored the Indigenous crops promoting ancestral knowledge and agro-ecological farming system.

Output-2: Increased access to technical services from the government line departments on agro-forestry farming.

Output-3: Enhanced the capacity of the community leaders on IP rights, gender and climate change issues.

Project Budget: BDT 4,809,152.00

Project Area:

KhagrachhariKhagrachhari SadarBhaibonchhara1) Simana Para
2) Kolapha Para
3) Kumardhon Para
Perachhara4) Kaptola Para
Matiranga5) Keshob Mohajon Para
6) Bhangamura

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